
October 1, 2011

I {heart} Home!........


I LOVE being home!
Sometimes my weeks are long...and very often lately...away from home.
I often spend the weekend cooking...preparing for the week to was no
different.  I made LOTS of cookies to send to Missionaries I love....prepared dinner
for our special Sunday tomorrow...and made plans for the General Conference traditions
that we have....begining with a yummy breakfast of Peach Pancake and all the fixin's.
This is one of my all time favorite weekends of the year!
Today has also been filled with spiritual nourishment...welcomed spiritual nourishment!
I have wondered....all day The Missionary Boy is enjoying General Conference.
He is hearing the words I am is pretty great to imagine him soaking up the
amazing spirit of Conference.  I wonder if it has made him a little homesick....I remember
it made me homesick while I was serving my own mission......
Although that Missionary Boy has listened/watched Conference for many years of his life...
I am sure, in fact I means so much more to him now, that it ever has!
It is a link to "home" and it is spiritual "filling of his cup" that he needs,
 I know that he is soaking it all up!
Right now...I am watching....and crying...and watching the wonderful presentation following the
afternoon session of Conference..."Army of Fath...Inside the MTC" and it is fantastic!
Certainly it touches me in a very special way right now...even though I have lived this experience
first is something so very different to send a child on a mision.  There isn't a day that
goes by I don't reflect upon my own mission and the amazing experiences I had there, and
not there is not an hour in the day that passes...that I don't think if our Missionary Boy...
what he is thinking...what he is feeling...what he may be eating...well, you get the idea;)
This experience has been such a great blessing in  our home and family...we are
sure grateful for him and his choice to serve a mission.
And Now......
Off we go to Girls Night Out...our little family girls party while the men are
at Priesthood meeting.....Let the fun begin!!!
Happy Conference Weekend!!


  1. Hey, Cuz! I recently found your blog and I em enjoying watching your family happenings. I love seeing your farm life... we also have a place we call "the farm" but it doesn't yield anything except for dirty, happy boys. :)

    All my best to you and your family and we will be praying for your missionary! London is a fabulous place to serve!!

    Love ya!

  2. As the mother of 4 missionaries I could relate to all you feelings about your missionary! Enjoy these two years! You might be sad when they come to an end!!!


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