
October 23, 2011

Auntie Is A Married Woman!


Friday was the big day for Auntie...
And after much planning the moment arrived....
Our Dad performed the ceremony....that was extra special;) 
The temple was full of family and friends to celebrate the special event....
and the steps of the temple were loaded with nieces and nephews waiting for
the new couple to appear!
I do love how a family comes together in moments like this help,
and to support....this family did an exceptional job at both!!
Auntie is more like a sister to The Darlings, than an Aunt.
She has lived with us...traveled with name it...she has been there with us!
The Boy sure felt sad that he couldn't be there to support her...but he is pretty happy
to be where he is...doing what he is doing;)
It was a very hot day...especially for October...but is sure was a great day!
PreShie was a bridesmaid and she looked like a million bucks!
The Rooster....well...he just makes the best of most any moment...
and he did have a wonderful time with his cousins

"The Brotherhood" (that's what The Farmer named them...) were out in force in support
of their baby sister...some where not too happy about the matching ties...but were happy to
"conform" when encouraged to do so;).....and kept using the word "conform" when they
could squeeze it in;)......we enjoyed a lovely lunch at Tia Rosa's after the
ceremony....and as much as we love to eat....we love visiting even more...and we took EVERY
opportunity to do so;)  We are a bit of a loud group...but we love to be together;)
The Farmer INSISTED on a picture in the cactus garden....we are still not
sure why...but he did mention something about counting this a the Christmas photo....
He HATES taking the Christmas photo.....
The reception was beautiful.....
600 empanadas later.....
The company was excellent...many dear friends from the past came to say hello,
and share a hug or two.  Oh how I loved seeing people that helped raise me!
Lots of family was on the scene...they are all great supporters too!

It was the perfect weekend of new beginings...
Memories from the past....
Hopes for the future...
Great family time.....(I never get enough of those brothers of mine!!!)
and ALOT  of extreemly yummy food!!!


  1. Good Afternoon;
    Wow...what a beautiful fun...and don't you just love Tia Rosa's---we go to the one at about Guadalupe and Higley...our daughter lives around the corner so it's very "convenient." Congratulations...

  2. She looks beautiful--I remember when she was born and we were in high school--was it that long ago?


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