
October 26, 2011

Our Theme...A New School Year...And...I Am Way Behind Schedule!!!!


Life hasn't slowed down too much for us since June....
it seems like we have had event after event that has kept us both on the road...
and on our toes;) Every activity has been wonderful...and a complete joy...but it has
really been busy!!  The begining of school came and went...we did our traditional activites
like we have for many years...but without The Boy.  That was sad.
The Rooster and PreShie take the bus each morning for the is always a bit
of a guessing game when it will arrive;)  Some days we are out waiting too early...and
other the last several....we miss the bus all together...but here is the interesting thing...
we are out on the street each and every morning....AT THE SAME TIME!!!
(no...I am not bitter or angry!!!! hahaha)
PreShie began her Junior year...she and The Boy will be going to college at the very same time!
(we didn't plan that one too well...did we???)
She is happy...involved....taller than me...and has a great sense of humor:)
It is going to be a great year for PreShie...I just know it!

The Rooster started his 9th grade year...he too has had a little growth spurt lately...
He isn't too happy about having to actually go to school every day...but he is giving it
his best shot!;)  The Rooster loves to a great friend to all...has the most darling
laugh....and is a delight to have around! He carefully selected his shoe wardrobe for this year...he said "the brighter the better" since it is the only thing they get to choose to wear each day.  He choose several colors of Vans...and some other "big" shoe that has bright colors too!  Who knew that backpacks and shoes could be sooooo important!
 It is really hard to believe he will be in "high school" next year!

The Darlings "home away from home!"
This year our back to school dinner was combined with our family theme for this
school year and our traditional father's blessings.
The theme that The Farmer and I choose this year is....
"Fill Up...Go On....And.....Pray Again...."
This is a quote taken from the history of Daniel Webster Jones...
The Farmer's Great-Great-Grand father who played a great role in the early colonization of
the LDS church.  He settled...under the direction of Pres. Brigham Young...the Lehi
area of Arizona, and was also one of the Rescue Riders for the Martin Willy
Handcart Company.  He was quite a man!  We talked about what it meant to "fill up" and how
we as a family would put this theme into practice this school year.  I sure do appreciate those
who have gone before us and given us such a great heritage to live up to.  What I have learned
about myselft because of great ancestors, is that we come from people who can do hard things
and do them well.  I really am grateful for their examples.  We had these stars made
for each family member...but the artist Kurt Knudsen....(who happened to be our neighbor years
ago when we lived in Utah)...and the theme is etched in the center of each star, as well as
the year.  Each is different...and each hangs in our kitchen for us to enjoy and remind us everyday,
of our family committment to....
"Fill Up....Go On....And....Pray Again!"
This boy...The Rooster...was just overcoming a combination of an eye infection...and
severe allergies...his eyes were nearly swollen can see in the photo..
that there is still some swelling...Poor Guy!!!

Of Course we had a special star made for our Missionary Boy....
It sits on his missionary shelf in our kitchen.,..the Darlings call it....
"The Shrine"...I guessit kind of is;)


  1. Wonderful family heritage and traditions. Yay for blessings and a theme to go on toward a new school year!

  2. Great theme for a new school year. It is nice to know I am not the only one with a "shrine"!


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