
March 6, 2012

Prom.....(Part 1)


PreShie's Junior Prom was last weekend.
We have been planning and preparing for several weeks now....she wanted everything to be perfect!
And...I think it was!
She found the perfect dress.....some really fun shoes, (pink glittery Tom's)....some lovely
jewelry and then enlisted Auntie R2, to do her make-up.  Now, Auntie R2 should really be
a professional make-up artist...she is very talented.  Auntie R2 came over a few days before the actual Prom, and did a "run through"
with PreShie's make-up, it was not only fun....but Auntie R2
really gushed over PreShie which made her feel really special and really beautiful!
(Another reason I am so blessed to be surrounded by family....great Aunts who
help build and encourage The Lovelies!)  She came again Prom evening to make sure PreShie's
make-up was perfect...and it was!  
It was fun to have he with us as PreShie was getting ready to go! 
Because the Junior class is in charge of everything Prom...the day was filled with finishing
touches....last minute decorating...and a lot of stress!  PreShie was incharge of a light
refreshment for the guests at Prom.  We ended up serving Sweet and Sour Meatballs, Fruit Salad,
and Mini-Cheesecakes.  It was yummy!
The theme was Renaissance....the Junior class worked hard to decorate the gym...and after
many days....and late night hours...the decorations were done...and the evening began!
PreShie's group arrived to pick her up.
The all looked fantastic!  PreShie's date was a boy she has known her entire life.
I had secretly hoped they would go together...and they did!!
They looked great together!  The group enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant...and then headed
to the JSA for the dance.

While PreShie was getting ready to go...and all the pictures had been taken...
I noticed that The Farmer was just standing in the background...keeping to himself.
I think he was pretty overwhelmed with the whole event!;)
Even more, I think he realized that his little girl, isn't so little anymore.
Just as PreShie was about to walk out the door...she turned back to The Farmer...
and give him a big hug!  I am sure glad I caught the moment!
It was a really sweet thing to watch.
And off they went....a great group of friends to enjoy an unforgettable night!
(She won't smile with her teeth....because she is wearing braces again for a short time!...)

1 comment:

  1. she is just glowing!

    I love the dress! Wow!

    So beautiful
    and yes the makeup artist should go into business....her make up looks better than J-Lo's.


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