
March 8, 2012

Prom....(Part 2....The End)


The Prom is a family affair around here.  As I mentioned in a post about The Missionary Boy's
Prom....the whole family attends and many of the parents spend the evening dancing with
their kids and just enjoying the evening together!  I LOVE IT!!!
PreShie's Prom was no different.
Once at the dance, she found The Lovelies...(her cousins) who were so sweet to her
and complimented her....helping to ease her stress;)  Love those Lovelies!!
They looked perfectly Lovely too!;)
PreShie and her handsome date...after a yummy dinner with friends.

Each of the Jr. class, had an escort and dance partner...which may or may not have been
their date.  In PreShie's case...her escort was Javi...a very sweet young man in her class...that we
think the world of...and that is taller than she is;)
Each member of the class was formally introduced at the event along with their escort.
And then....the dance that they had been working on for WEEKS....was preformed.
They did a great job!  It was really fun to watch them all dance their hearts out!
The Farmer and I had ourselves a great time...dancing....visiting....laughing...and
most of all enjoying our PreShie!
The Farmer's Mother, was also there to support PreShie.
It was fun to have her there.
Notice that we have finally gotten PreShie to smile with her teeth!;)
She looked amazing...and had a wonderful night!
I am pretty sure it was all she had hoped for!

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