
April 17, 2012

General Conference Weekend...

General Conference weekend is a favorite of mine.  I love being home...listening to prophets and
apostles...enjoying family and yummy food!  It is an extra special weekend for us.
This year...I searched for ways to help The Darlings get the most they could out of
conference, without them knowing they were soaking it all up...sneaky right?  I combined
several ideas I found...and made a "conference box" for them.  It was filled with Bingo games...
worksheets....tasty treats, colored pencils and pens.  It looked like so much fun, when it was
done, I decided to make a box for each of the families....(in our family)....for The Cousins to
enjoy.  On Saturday morning...before conference began, the Conference Boxes...along with a
pan of Overnight Blueberry French Toast, was delivered to each family.

The perfect way to begin Conference Weekend....
That was some very yummy French Toast!!
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Our favorite General Conference activity was the Conference Wall.
I actually just took it down this morning.  Key words and phrases were written down, from each
speaker.  Each person in the family had a different color of post-it notes.  Some of "us" used the same words for each speaker...they were words like....Jesus....Love....Faith....Forgiveness....he was
pretty sure that one of those words would cover about any talk given....and guess what....
he was right!!  It was a fun activity and a great reminder for several days after.
Sometimes The Darlings looked like this....mostly on Saturday morning...
Priesthood was enjoyed by the men of the family and....they also enjoyed a dinner
together after it was over. The women in the family had a great time at a new
restaurant in the area...Girls Night always a good time!;)


  1. I want to be your "cousin" family. For the activity box and the delicious blueberry french toast! What a fun auntie you are!!

  2. I had big plans for Conference, but birthdays and other stuff took over. I need to live closer to you!

  3. I think I need that blueberry french toast recipe. Please send it my way! Great ideas.


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