
April 18, 2012

Easter Break...A Trip To The Pottery Store....

photo (65)
We LOVE getting The Farmer out of town for a few days....because he is pretty much
game for anything;)  After taking The Darlings to a movie...he walked by a little
pottery shop...where you can paint pieces of pottery and the store fires them into lovely dishes for
you to take home.  The Farmer looked through the window...the store was just closing...and
announced that we would be back to paint pottery early the next morning!
What you may not know about The that he is VERY artistic.  We have
several lovely paintings in our home that he created...he is always looking for new ways
to express his creativity...and I love it!!!  A few years back I was looking for the ideal
Christmas gift for The Farmer....I knew he secretly wanted a Potter's as a
very secretly I ordered the Wheel and some clay...and had it shipped to El Paso.  Someday...we
will get him a Kiln....and then put him to work to make us some fantastic dishes;)
Back to the pottery store....we ended up spending more than one day there...
We all made cereal bowls...I don't profess to be The Farmer was
kind enough to draw a pattern for me to paint.  I do know how to color within the lines;)
Preshie and The Rooster expressed alot more creativity than I did...
That is for sure!!
This is The Farmer's new cereal bowl....
Alot of people in the store really enjoyed his bowl....
PreShie's was a modern art type....
A Sunflower field...I think it is beautiful and was selected at "The Favorite"
by Grandma Vicki!
The Rooster's Bowl was a tribute to the Chicago Cubs...
whose baseball game we had gone to the day before.
He did a great job!!
006 I mentioned I am good at "coloring"...The Farmer drew the
design for me...patterned after a serving bowl we saw in the store.
I do love the bowl!
And on a return trip...I told The Farmer I wanted to make a serving plate with the
Union Jack flag on use for The Missionary Boy's birthday cake, which I would be
making the next week.  The Farmer mapped out the design...and I painted and painted...
and it turned out just like I had hoped!!!
And...the following week I used it as a cake platter for The Missionary Boy's
birthday celebration! was perfect!!
(more on the celebration later)
The pottery store was great fun for us all....The Farmer is already planning for
his next trip to the store...and the items that he will make then!


  1. Those are beautiful. Like something you'd buy at Dillards, only better.
    I'd need the Farmer to trace my pattern, too.
    I need the farmer in My SS class-- so many times I would love to have some artistic ability on the chalkboard....but as it is, even my printing is pathetic!

  2. I love the bowl ideas. You have such fun ideas and do so many great things with your family. Makes me wish I could "start all over" with my kids!


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