
April 20, 2012

Easter Break....Easter Sunday....

I love Easter!
The very moment I could justify it...I hung our Easter garland...
"Names By Which He Is Known...."
It stretches from one end of our living the other.  I don't ever get tired
of reading each name the Savior goes by in the scriptures.  It really sets the tone for
Easter in our home.  Cousin Trisha had the names translated into Spanish....and sent me a copy,
I am thinking of doing one in Spanish...maybe for Christmas time.
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Easter baskets are still a favorite even though The Darlings are teenagers....
I love that they still plan and think about the items that might show up in their
baskets.  The Rooster really "needed" a fishing pole...The Farmer helped him select
one and also some lures to go along with it.  He really did need a new tie and
Sunday shirt...which is a tradition for us on Sunday clothes.

Preshie found a darling Easter dress and shoes and asked for some
Play-Dough....that was pretty funny! 
We spent Easter Sunday at a missionary homecoming of a dear family friend,
After church PreShie left Mesa and headed to El Paso, to leave on a trip to New York
early the next morning.  She, along with a group of kids from the JSA enjoyed a
week in Washington DC and New York, thanks to a great teacher who organized
the trip.  Sunday afternoon we had a tasty Easter Dinner at Grandma Vicki's house, along
with lots of family.  The food was fantastic as usual....and the company was even better. 
Later that evening...we drove to the new Gilbert Arizona Temple building site.  It was really
amazing to see.  I couldn't believe how large it is!  It is going to be beautiful when it
is complete.  We arrived a little too late to go into the small visitor's center that is
there...but we really enjoyed seeing the temple itself.
It was a great Easter Break in Mesa...during the week we also got to see
the Easter Pageant, complete with a sandwich from Ned's Krazy Sub....which by
the way...I think should be the official sandwich of the Easter Pageant!
We really enjoyed spending time with family...lunch and dinners with The Brotherhood
is always a GREAT time!  It was a wonderful week!


  1. Isn't that Temple amazing...I'm so excited for the folks there. We must have just missed each other around Mesa...We went to the Temple Site and to the Easter Pageant, too. Lovely Weekend. I really like the Easter garland you put up...beautiful. thanks for sharing.

  2. I love your Easter garland--what a great idea! Sometime when your in Gilbert--give me a call.

  3. The missionaries added more names to that Jesus Christ garland list. I will update it and send it on. I gave them each three minutes to make their own list. Then we went over your dad's list. The winner got a big handful of candy. Each missionary got a candy for any name they had that wasn't on the list. They loved it and many asked for a copy of that list. I will send it one of these days. Thanks for the idea.


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