
April 21, 2012

A Missionary Update....

I haven't done a very good job at updating what is going on with The Missionary
Boy...on this blog...or on his blog...and the reason for that is that I have two huge binders
filled with letters, pictures and anything else that applies to The Missionary Boy...and those
I go keep very updated.  Side dilemma is how to best organize his mission experience
for him, so that when he returns will be basically done.  My personal experience
with my own mission, was that I thought I would never forget a face, or an experience, so
aside from a well kept journal....I didn't keep my letters organized, or my pictures...and
now...the memories just sit in a box.  I don't want to repeat this for The Missionary Boy...
but there are too many options!!!  A blog book????....a binder scrapbook???...or does
it really matter as long as it is organized???  Anyway,  so there it dilemma!
So, a quick update on The Missionary Boy.  He is great!  He recently left his very beloved
area of Reading, England and was assigned to the area of Trowbridge, England.  The area
had had some problems with previous missionaries, and so he did what they call a
"whitewash,"  where they basically start over with completely new missionaries.  He was so sad
to leave Reading.  He had really grown to love the members there and they were soooo good to him
too!  He had also really become close to his companion Elder Fawson.  So the move was
sad...but he was ready for a new challenge.
(Reading, England)
Also with the new move, came a training assignment.  He was asked to train a new missionary
from Switzerland, Elder Von Allmen.  A sweet sister from the Reading area called and left
us, (we weren't home), and left a message telling us that he was going to move and that
he was going to train.  She said that when he stopped by to say good-bye, he felt excited
and overwhelmed at the same time!  He said in a later letter that Reading had been his
beginning place for his journey as a missionary, and that it would always be very special to him.
(Reading, England)
He and his companion (who was also called as a trainer) headed to the mission home, which
is located next to the London Temple to meet the new missionaries.  Pres. and Sis. Shamo, who
will be finishing their mission in June....first introduced the Elder who would be training and then
introduced the new missionary.
I LOVE this picture soooo much!!
I can see in The Missionary Boy's face, genuine excitement and love for his new
companion!  The new group of missionaries was on the small side, I think there were
8 new Elders and Sisters.  They all spent the night in the mission home and headed to their
new areas the next morning.  The Missionary Boy wrote in his letter, that the English
countryside was "breathtaking!"....interestingly enough, he is in an area where PreShie toured
the Summer he left.  She knew the area, and that seemed to thrill them both!
072 087
The Missionary Boy's companion is an exceptional young man.  He has an amazing family!
I have been blessed to be in touch with his Mother in Switzerland.  It has been great to know
a little about them;)  These two Elders are growing together....learning together....and I hope
that they will forever be "brothers" and keep in touch throughout their lives!
A few weeks after settling into the new area....The Missionary Boy was called to be
the District Leader in his area!  He is humble and excited all at the same time....
I was visiting with a brother-in-law a few days ago...he was asking about The Missionary
Boy, and how he was doing.  I told him that I thought I had been exposed to missionary
work on several different a missionary, as a teacher at the MTC in Provo, and
that I though I understood pretty well, the experience of a mission.  What I didn't know until now
what what it means to be a parent of a missionary...and wow...I wasn't completely
prepared for all the emotions that go along with that!  The miracle of the mission really is
in the conversion of the missionary....the baptisms are a beautiful bi-product of a life that
had been given completely to Heavenly Father.  What an incredible experience it has been
for us to watch on the "sidelines" as missionary parents!


  1. He looks like he is doing great!

  2. Being a trainer is the best compliment you can give a missionary. Add to that a DL and you must be an awesome missionary. He looks great and very happy. It will be intersting to see how getting a new mission president is for him. I would love to see what he has to say when that happens. Do you know who the new one is?


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