
August 17, 2012

Saying Good-Bye To Summer....


The carefree days of Summer have come to a close. It has been a great Summer, full of new experiences...lots of together time and days without rigid schedules. It has been great! Although it is sad to see it go...I think we are ready.  To celebrate the end of Summer and the beginning of a new school year...we decided a trip to the mountains would be a good thing.


We made a plan...(the family)...packed the vehicles...and headed for the "hills." The drive was beautiful, because of the recent rains...everything was lovely and green.

We arrived at a favorite picnic stop...right next to a river. The last time we visited this place was two years ago just before Cousin Ben left for Argentina to serve his mission. We had a load of teenagers with us was the last big outing they all had together before the friends in the group began to go their separate ways. Now...some of the members of that teenage group are beginning to return from their missions! Wow...has time passed quickly. The moment we arrived at our picnic location...the little people jumped from the vehicles and headed to the river.
  They began to build a dam so they would have a little "pool" to play in.


Even Brutus The Dog...had a great time!


Some people REALLY enjoyed themselves....
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Lunch was very tasty! There really isn't too much better than stir-fry in the mountains!


These two young cousins are not too far from becoming missionaries! Their big brothers have done a great job setting an example for them! It won't be too long now until it is their turn;)


The clan of cousins took a little nature hike...and returned with a baby snake. They thought it might be a baby Rattlesnake...and were very disappointed when
they found that it was an innocent Blow Snake.

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It was a perfect afternoon. The kids exhausted themselves playing...swimming... exploring. The adults enjoyed some visiting...and just plain a very beautiful location. It was a wonderful afternoon, and just what was needed to say good-bye to Summer and hello to another school year!

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