
August 18, 2012

"The Farm"...On A Saturday Afternoon....

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The Farmer had a full day today...not the "hopeful" Saturday where life slows down a bit. We really like those kind of Saturday's around here;) He left early this morning to attend a very special wedding in the Colonia Juarez temple. While on his way home...he decided to stop by "The Farm"...and check on things. He sent me a few photos from his phone...and they made me happy! I am sure I have posted about this farm before...but this particular farm had been abandoned for some time before The Farmer came along. He really believes that we never really "own" anything...we are just caretakers for a time. I love that concept. The Farm has passed through many very good people. The area was settled by a group of faithful people who worked very hard to carve a life for themselves and their families, on land that had never been developed. And then it passed to another great family, who were progressive thinkers and very hard workers. The stories they tell about life on that Farm...are wonderful! What a life they had! And then after several became The Farmer's turn to care for a piece of land that has great history. It took a very long time to "rebuild" The Farm...the years of abandon took it's toll. is alive again. I often tell The Farmer that I can feel the goodness of those who came before us, at that farm. The Farmer as been a good caretaker and has honored the labors of the caretakers before him. When The Missionary Boy was a "little Boy"...we planted a Pecan Orchard. The Farmer explained...(at the time)...that the orchard would someday help with the expenses of the Missionary Boy's mission. We have watched the orchard carefully as it grew...knowing that it would one day bless our Missionary Son. And that it has done!
  Today it is beautiful, and we are grateful for it!
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The Farmer is also growing watermelon this year...YUM!!!

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Another one of the perks to farming...all the all the watermelon you can eat;) least for this year!
**Later this afternoon The Farmer was spotted in the city park...getting his shoes shined at the local shoe shine stand...(another post for another day)....he then had the great honor of releasing our
newest returned missionary...Cousin Mitch!

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