
August 21, 2012

Visiting USU....(Summer Catch-Up...)


While in Utah, we decided that some college campus visits would be a good thing. Thanks to some great family...PreShie got the VIP treatment at a couple of college options. The morning that The Farmer and Rooster took off on the "Harley Ride," PreShie and I headed to Logan. Although many members of my family have graduated from Utah State University, it had never occurred to me that my kids would possibly attend that school. Somehow The Missionary Boy got the idea that USU would be the perfect school for him...before he left for his mission...and soon that idea spread with some of the friends and cousins. PreShie didn't know what to think. So off we check out Utah State University! Uncle Ben and family just happened to be in the area on a family vacation, so they came to Logan to meet up with us and the Logan Cousins!
It was so much fun to spend time with so much family! 052

The drive was beautiful! Logan is just a beautiful place. PreShie kept commenting along the way, about how beautiful it was and how fun it would be to live there. We met cousin Nikkel at the school...also a USU graduate...and began the campus tour. The more we toured...the more PreShie love it! Beautiful campus...not an overly big close began to look like a place she would love! We learned what it meant to be a "True Aggie," and PreShie made sure to call her Grandpa Charles to see if he was a "True Aggie,"...which he confirmed;)

Our campus tour guide happened to be the Student Body President for this year...he was excited and fun...he made life at USU look pretty great!

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The campus is very, very beautiful! 072

By the end of the tour...she was pretty determined that USU was for her! One of the funnest part of the trip to Logan was meeting one of Grandpa Charles' childhood friends who is a recruiter there. He told us some fun stories and made us laugh! 073 081

After the tour, we met Uncle Steve...and family...for some Aggie Ice Cream...which was very tasty! PreShie really enjoyed getting to know more cousins...and although she was pretty certain that USU would be a great option for her...Uncle Steve's "hard sell" made her even more excited to move to Logan. She said "it has everything!"..."school, small town...and lots of family to take care of me!;)" I wonder if the Logan cousins know what is headed their way! It really was a great day, it was so great of Cousin Nikkel to spend so much time with us and make sure that PreShie...and her Mom...knew the ins and outs of USU. I think it would be a place that both PreShie and The Missionary Boy would be very happy! Who knows...maybe a few other friends and cousins will join them in Logan;)
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  1. everyone I know who has gone there, though it's freezing in the winter, loves it! pack a big warm coat! i think it's way colder than salt lake!

  2. What a fun trip! I wish I would have know so we could have met up with you. My hubby graduated from USU and is a true Aggie. Matt our oldest will be attending there next year. If you should ever have any questions or need anything, let us know. We are just around the corner from Cache Valley.

  3. That would be awesome for Victoria and Jordan! As you know, Cordell and I both graduated from USU and I am from Logan. My parents and many of my siblings are still there. If she goes, make sure she stops by Zollinger's in River Heights and gets some apple cider! :) (And for the record, we met a lot of people at USU who had gone to BYU previously, hated it, went to USU instead, and loved it. And the people there who are active in church and taking religion classes--Institute--are there because they want to be, not because they have to be. Another plus I thought...)


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