
April 15, 2013



Last week The Missionary Boy celebrated his 20th birthday. He has left his teen years behind;)
(That is a direct quote from his last letter!)


His birthday was filled with special celebrations! One member who he has grown very close to, invited he and a few other missionaries to their home for a dinner, complete with a birthday cake.


The dinner was then followed by a Musical Missionary Fireside, which he sang in... and then a surprise song of "Happy Birthday" led by Pres. Millar...his mission president.


He said it was one of his best birthday's ever!
This gift was made by a dear member in a previous area... who for other reasons made a trip to his area...and was sure to stop by and leave a gift she had made for him. I am so grateful to the wonderful people of England who have loved and cared for my Missionary Boy!! He left us a boy...and will return a man...what an amazing transformation in a short amount of time!
His Missionary Grandpa said..."he is returning, a man of God..." and that touched my Mother Heart.
Happy Birthday to The Missionary Boy...
who we should probably call The Missionary!

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