
April 9, 2013

Cousin Love Found In A Tie....


Our missionary letter didn't arrive makes me sad when we miss a letter! Late yesterday afternoon a sweet companion and very dear friend of the Missionary Boy...sent us a quick note letting us know that he would write on Tuesday...Today! And sure enough, a sweet letter arrived along with a couple of pictures. Close to two years ago, The Missionary Boy's dear cousin was serving his mission in Argentina. During a service project the Missionary Cousin ended up with a shard of metal in his eye and was quickly transported to Mesa for surgery. It was a very scary time for our family. The Missionary Boy quickly asked if he could go to Mesa to see his dear Missionary Cousin. His love and concern for his cousin was very tender. We ended up heading to Mesa so both The Farmer and the Missionary Boy could check on the Missionary Cousin. His surgery went well. Miracles took place and the Missionary Cousin healed beautifully. While we were in Mesa The Missionary Boy spent a little time with his Missionary Cousin, they talked and talked. When it was time to go, The Missionary Boy removed the tie he was wearing and gave it to his Missionary Cousin to use for the remaineder of his mission. After a little time of healing...
The Missionary Cousin returned to Argentina and completed an honorable mission.


Not too long after the Missionary Cousin came home he came to my house for a little visit. He brought with him the tie that the Missionary Boy had given him when his eye was hurt. The now returned Missionary Cousin asked if I would please send that special tie back to The Missionary Boy so he could also wear it as he completed his mission. I thought it was a very very sweet and thoughtful gesture. I packed it up...sent it to England and this morning The Missionary Boy sent me a couple of pictures... and named them..."The Cousin Love Tie!" In this picture The Missionary Boy is with an Elder from Argentina...who was in his group when he entered the mission field...who he loves very much. So that Cousin Love Tie has been to...Mexico...Mesa...Argentina...Mexico...and now in England. It will be interesting to see where that tie ends up!;) I am sure it will always find it's home with a....cousin!! *Just a funny side note...the tie is stained a bit but the Missionary Cousin was insistent that it not be it remains stained;)

1 comment:

  1. so sweet.
    little things that mean so much!

    stain and all!


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