
April 8, 2013

When Your Hand Doesn't Fit...


This boy comes to my house alot. I love it when he is there!
He is one of my Darling Nephews.
In our home we keep several candy jars full of treats for visitors who may stop by.
Our local missionaries know that they are welcome to the treats...
and seem so happy for a little taste of chocolate;)
This young man is what you would call a frequent visitor to the treat jars.
He loves a little something sweet!


When I first put out the Easter candy...he quickly found out that the jar that held
the M&M's was a little too small for his hand to fit into. He said in a very concerned voice...
"Tia, my hand doesn't fit inside the jar..."
He had a really sad look on his face when he questioned me.
It was really pitiful! After he left my house that day...
I made a point to place the candy in a jar that was large
enough for his teenage hand to navigate successfully...
and boy was he happy! It makes me happy that a little trip to the treat jars...
makes his visit to our house a little more satisfying;)

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