
May 13, 2013

Mother's Day.....Weekend.....

One of the perks of living in Mexico is Mother's Day. Mother's Day in Mexico and Mother's Day in the US are on different days...and that means a weekend long celebration!!!
Mother's Day in Mexico is a very very big deal!!
Our celebrations began with a quick trip to El Paso...
While there....The Farmer purchased a small gift...something I had been wanting
since The Brotherhood made a trip to The Ranch during Spring Break....
I LOVE it!!! the way!
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Saturday we awoke to the sound of the phone was the Missionary Boy..
.calling to let us know what time we would be Skyping on Mother's Day.
 He had 30 minutes to talk...and it was wonderful!!!
 To hear his voice was the best!
PreShie made me a whole plate of chocolate covered strawberries...
which were divine!
We have been trying to finish up some work on our house...and I have been waiting for this for a very long time! Mother's Day was nearly done!!! Another great gift!
Sunday morning...The Farmer return home from his early morning meeting... ready to talk to The Missionary he came in...he had a funny look on his face...when I asked what was wrong...he held up his cel. phone which had a picture on it...the baby bull calf...Ramses... had been born!!! We weren't expecting that to happen for awhile... A very fun Mother's Day gift!
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The very very best part of Mother's Day was talking to the Missionary Boy!
 He will be home in four short months...I can hardly believe it!! He sounded great! We laughed...we cried...we talked about this incredible experience that has been his...the mission. We talked about what he has learned...his testimony...and how it breaks he heart to think if leaving a place he has loves. It's the people he is hard to leave those you have served.
 It was an incredible day!! We attended church in a small branch that is patiently waiting for their new small building to be completed. Right now they meet in a very small home, that isn't meant to be a church. What special people they are.
 We returned home to a wonderful meal, prepared by the men in the family.
Mother's Day weekend...was very very nice!!

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