
May 9, 2013

You Must Have A Pinata....

When The Farmer's Easter Egg Hunt was done... It was time for the Pinata!!
Quickly we realized that we hadn't gotten the stick that is used to hit the Pinata.
"No worries...."said The Farmer...
and Uncle Ping began to carve a Pinata stick from a branch from a nearby peach tree.
 While he was working hard on the stick... Uncle C. found the perfect
 "pinata stick" in the back of his truck....
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The Cousins lined up....youngest to oldest...ready to beat the pinata in hopes of alot of candy!!
The Farmer and his brothers..."worked hard" to hang the pinata...
As always...the pinata really is the end to a perfect party... the cousins left The Farm....LOADED with candy... Another successful Easter Egg Hunt at The Farm!!
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1 comment:

  1. great pics.
    love her little face there at the end.
    a major success with all leaving with a bunch of candy!


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