
August 12, 2013

He's A Junior Now!

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Well...The Rooster began his life as a high school "Junior" this morning!
Was he happy...not so much. Even if he were, I don't think he would tell me;)
It is part of being 16.
The Rooster was greeted this morning by a drawing made late last night by The Farmer.
Again...he couldn't admit it, but, The Rooster really liked the drawing;)
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He sure did look cute as he boarded the bus this morning.
 I tried my best to get a picture of the "bus boarding" moment... but I was forbidden;)
He is going to have a great year...I just know it!!
We sure do love that Rooster of ours!

1 comment:

  1. I feel a good year and tons of attention from mom poured on this boy, this year! :)


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