
August 19, 2013

The Rooster....And...Pure Joy!

The Rooster's Summer has been full of spearfishing.
He saved a little money and purchased the necessary "gear."
Most trips to various nearby ponds have been unproductive...
But it really is the process that is so fun for The Rooster and The Cousins.
Gathering the "gear"...getting a few snacks together...
The planning...the preparing...
moving from pond to pond... in search of the "Big One."
Finally, on Saturday, while all the other cousins were busy with different activities...
The Rooster headed to a nearby pond to see what he could get.
Spearfishing has become an addiction for him;
) IMG_0209
After an hour or so, he called to ask where I was.
He said he was heading home and I needed to get here quick...
He had found and speared the..."BIG ONE"!!!! He said it was the biggest fish he had ever seen!
He was shocked himself!!
It was big alright!
Even The Farmer was impressed...he kept saying...
"That is a really big fish!!"
They attempted to weigh it...on a bathroom scale...;)
And then they measured it... It was 23 inches long and once a different scale was located,
it was determined that it weighed 10 1/2 pounds!
Pure joy for The Rooster!!
The Farmer says The Rooster will always remember that day...
It will be a memory that will go with him into adulthood. Once the fish photo shoot was done...
The Rooster quickly made a deal with a local food place,
 and sold that beautiful Bass for $10 dollars and a few free meals!
 So off it went! It made me happy to see something so simple and pure,
as spearfishing...make a 16 year old boy very, very happy!

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