
January 28, 2014

Delicious Arizona...


Last weekend The Farmer and I packed up The Rooster and headed to the
"home land"...Arizona. Certainly we don't need too much of a reason to
travel to AZ...visiting The Grandparents and The Brotherhood, is worth the drive.
But this trip we made plans to participate in the Open House of the new
Gilbert Arizona LDS Temple. It was an incredible experience that we
were blessed to share with our family.
I will write in more detail about that soon.
Now...I live where citrus is not available. If you happen to find an orange,
it surely isn't a navel and it doesn't look too pretty. This country could not survive
without the Lime...and there are plenty of those to go around!
The Farmer is a huge fan of all citrus, but his all time favorite would be the Grapefruit.
The Grandparents have spoiled him rotten through the years,
by making sure that he is supplied with all the Grapefruit that he can eat,
from their very own trees. SPOILED!!! Yes he is!
Citrus orchard are becoming few and far between these days... They were very
common when I was growing up in The Valley, not so much anymore.
So, once we arrived in AZ a plan was put into place to make sure
 The Farmer got all the citrus that he could eat. We made a trip to a cute
roadside store on the edge of an orange orchard and packing shed.
It kind of made me feel like I was in the country..
.but yet on the edge of a very large and very busy city.
The Farmer was in heaven!!! Now that we are home...
he begins each day with a healthy dose of grapefruit.
 It is a treat!
The best part of the trip was checking in on The Grandparents.
The Grandpa is doing much better...cancer free, but dealing now with some back
issues. He is getting his strength back and looks wonderful.
An answer to many many prayers...

1 comment:

  1. My favorite citrus is the orange!
    Perfect time to be in Arizona, for the best crop!

    Yay, for healthy parents.
    Looking good!


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