
January 22, 2014

The Last Few Days...

She wasn’t where she had been.
She wasn’t where she was going…
but she was on her way.
And on her way she no longer looked for the answers,
but held close the two things she knew for sure:
One, if a day carried strength in the morning,
peace in the evening,
and a little joy in between,
it was a good one.
And two, you can live completely
without complete understanding.
-Jodi Hills
I found this today on a blog that I read...and love.
It sums up how I am feeling right now.  Mostly the part that says
"you can live completely...without complete understanding."
I think you just have to get to that place of faith in order to have peace.
Some days I feel that peace more than others.
I guess that is the journey.
I feel like I have been feeding the 5 Thousand for  quite awhile now...
It's okay with me...I really do enjoy it, there have been many opportunities to cook lately;)
This past weekend we had visitors from the church, from Mexico City,
and some from Cd. Juarez...12 men, all together.
I made breakfast Saturday morning and then they all came to our home for
Carne Asada.
It was great!
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One of the visitors actually requested the meal.
Grilled Steak, fresh tortillas, and all the fixings!
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The food was delicious...and the company was great!
I have the opportunity to prepare food, for church events, and I really enjoy it.
 One of the great highlights of my week are Monday mornings when the Missionaries
are in our home for breakfast. I feel like preparing meals is my
 "offering" to those who give of themselves so willingly to the Lord in service.
 It makes me happy to serve those who are serving.
There is a lot of this going on in Northern Utah right now!
Cousins and dear friends snowboarding together.
I am glad that The "Aggie" Darlings are making the most of their time in the snow;)
 The Boy was just called to teach the Missionary Prep. classes in Sunday School.
 I think he will be great! I sure miss those kids...but I am glad they are so happy
and enjoying their time as students. I am glad they are together.
Today I attended a special meeting for young men and women who
 are preparing to be full time missionaries once they graduate from high school.
 The meeting happens once a month. 
A nice lunch is served and then inspirational messages are delivered.
 Today the group numbered around 26, with an additional 10 adults who are either teachers
or church leaders. It was a nice group. The youth were all dressed in Sunday attire,
and they looked great! The messages today were extraordinary! They were inspired.
They were delivered just as Heavenly Father wanted them delivered.
I am sure of this.
It was a blessing for me to just be there. It strengthens me to see the love that God
 has for these great kids. It was amazing to see His hand outstretched to each
of them...through their committed leaders. I am better for being there today.
You really can "live completely...without complete understanding..."

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