Closing Doors...Opening Windows

May 1, 2014


Yesterday I visited with PreShie.  I talk to her most days...and she is always really fun to visit with.
If anyone has completely embraced "college life" it has been her!
It has been a really great year for her.  She learned that she can survive away from home. 
I am pretty sure she thought she could all along...but she proved it this last year.
She made dear friends that she will never forget.  She was blessed with super
roommates and a dorm floor full of great people who have become like family to her.
They have shared a lot of fun.  They have opened mission calls together.  They have
carried each other through some rough growing up times...they love each other very much!
Yesterday, Preshie was getting her final shot for her mission when she called.
It is setting in now, she is leaving a place that she loves very much.  She is leaving people
that she may never see again...and it is making her sad.
She realizes that big changes are headed her way, and that she won't return to this time of life again.
She has amazing things ahead and she is really looking forward to it, but I guess
her thoughts are honoring a right of passage that has been hers this past year.
And rightfully so. 
She will always look back with fondness...but she is looking forward with great faith.
She is beautiful inside and out and it has been a great privilege as her parents to
watch her growth this past year.  Although she is closing some pretty great doors in her life right now...
she is headed toward other doors and windows that will only bring her more joy and growth.
Here's to our Aggie Preshie!
I love that girl with all my heart!!
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