
August 26, 2014

Answered Prayers!!


Our Missionary Monday was a Missionary Tuesday this week. 
 We knew that we wouldn't hear from Sis. Precious until today, she mentioned it last week. 
 Around 1:30 we got a quick message from her telling us that she had been in a car accident on Monday afternoon, and that her mission president wanted to talk to us. So very quickly The Farmer made contact with Pres. Jardine. We just happened to be in El Paso... at the hospital...visiting a dear friend who is having some serious problems. The Farmer left the hospital room to talk to the mission president, 
and when he returned he had quite a story to share.

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 Sis. Precious and her companion were passing through an intersection and were 
broadsided by another car that had run a red light. The car was totaled, they were both taken by 
ambulance to the hospital, and thankfully the mission president was very close by. 
 She said that the moment Pres. Jardine arrived he placed his hands on each of their heads and gave them a blessing. She was so grateful for that. So today, with her signature humor and grace, she shared this experience with lots of detail with us through her weekly letter. Her perspective is amazing! Today and I am so very grateful for every prayer that is uttered throughout the world on behalf of our 
beloved missionaries. Prayers were answered today!!

1 comment:

  1. A car accident is truly a devastating event to get involved with. Reckless drivers are everywhere, and accidents like that happen even though you are a defensive and rule-abiding driver. Precious is very strong to have shared that experience with light humor and utter grace. I'm glad that inspiring people like her are around to teach us that there is more to life than fear. Thanks for sharing that! All the best! :)

    Sabrina Craig @ Medical Attorney NY


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