
August 25, 2014

Sis. Precious Update...


Sis. Precious is awesome! 
Her letters are such a delight each week...we laugh... I cry a little (because I miss her)...
and she reminds us how very lucky we are to call her ours. 
She has the most unique and beautiful way of finding happiness and humor in the most 
mundane of situations. Each week I wonder what great adventure she has had and 
how she made it fun. I love that girl!! Yesterday, early in the morning a 6.1 earthquake 
hit the Napa Valley area of California. Although it wasn't right in her area, people have 
reported feeling the quake right where she is. This would have been Sis. Precious' first earthquake...
and I pray her last;) The church has reported that all missionaries in that area are just fine. 
 I look forward to hearing from her today... to see what this experience was 
like for her and those in her area.


This is Sis. Cleverly...The Trainer...she is a Saint I am sure;) 
She and Sis. Precious were riding their bikes when The Trainer felt she was going to pass out. 
 They quickly stopped...found a piece of grass and The Trainer laid down. 
 Turns out it was the yard of a less active member;) Anyway, to pass the time...
Sis. Precious gathered sticks to surround The Trainer, 
which brought alot of laughs and lightened a hard situation.


While traveling through Cd. Juarez with The Farmer...
I came across a street vendor who was selling these blow up Lucha Libre dolls... 
since we love Nacho Libre so was a must to send to Sis. Precious! 
Oh my goodness she is loving that thing! 
I also sent some funny curlers to her that I thought may help... 
but turns out...not so much...after removing the curlers she said she looked like 
she was ready to go to the high school prom!
So here is a little glimpse into the life of our Sis. Precious!

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1 comment:

  1. She is awesome!
    That nacho thing is the perfect gift foe any member of your family - something I am sure they are going to have fun with, as shown in her picture.
    Sometimes bike riding does make you want to pass out.
    Sure do love these updates. ( sorry I haven't been commenting as often, but I do still enjoy and read your posts)


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