Thank You To The Little Yellow House...

July 30, 2014


The little house we rented in Utah this Summer was called The Yellow House. 
And it was true to its' name! 
 It was a darling little yellow house that became our home for a few wonderful weeks in July. 
 It was located in the perfect neighborhood, close to everything we needed, 
and it had everything we needed to live comfortably while away from our home. 
One morning, before Sis. Precious entered the MTC, The Farmer stated that 
this little yellow house would be a beloved site for us for a long time. Not only because 
of the rest and refuge it offered us, but because it was the spot we held tight to our Precious 
for a wonderful few days before she began her missionary journey. 
It's where we laughed together. 
It is where we shed tears together. 
 It is where we tried to solve the world's problems 
and it is where we packed up our girl and said good-bye for 18 months. 
 The Farmer was right!

 While staying in The Yellow House, we became friends with our sweet neighbors. 
 It was fun to visit with them. What we didn't really understand completely, 
was that they were watching us. They watched us come and watched us go. 
 The morning we headed to the MTC to drop off our Sis. Precious, 
they watched from their windows as we loaded her bags in our car. 
 They watched a tender good-bye in the front yard and they watched as we all climbed into our car 
and drove away. And when we returned to The Yellow House,
without Sis. Precious, 
they greeted us in the street to tell us that they watched the heartbreak from their homes;) 
 They also told us that they shed tears with us. 
 And how great that Sis. Precious will be as a missionary. 
 Oh how I needed that when we returned to The Yellow House.

The night before Sis. Precious big day, The Yellow House was a full of fun...laughs...tears...friends...advice...and good-byes. 
To have The Darlings together was a dream for me.

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 This made me is making me cry now!
Thank you to The Little Yellow House in Provo Utah, for allowing
us a very special few days within your walls!
p.s. the fringed couch make it pretty special too! ;)

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