Summertime...And The Living Is Easy....

July 30, 2012


Summer has gotten away from me! I am very behind on blogging...and will spend the next several days catching the name of family history;) It has been a nice Summer...we have grown to love our trips to there anywhere more beautiful than Utah in the Summertime?? I don't think so! Catching up with old friends...hanging out with new friends...sharing some tears...enjoying lots of laughs, and eating entirely too much amazing food!! One of the funnest events for The Farmer was "Harley" riding through some of the most scenic parts of Utah. He and a few good friends decided that it was something they must do. They rented the "bikes"...geared up...and hit the road!

The Farmer discovered...when his dear (church employed) friend showed up with some serious leather gear...that he knew nothing about the world of Harley riding. There are special waves...from one biker to another, a great sense of freedom on the open road among other things. What worried us all a little, was that The Farmer like it a little too much! We were worried...just for a few moments...that he might just take off, never to return! Thankfully he did;)


The Darlings really enjoyed riding with The Farmer and his friends!
  Some great memories were made for them.

One of PreShie's friends was with us when the "biker gang" was preparing to begin their ride...he stood nearby...taking in the sight of the "bikers" and said "that is kinda weird...a bunch of old guys on Harley's" which I responded...
"Buddy...that is what a midlife crisis looks like!" And he agreed;)


The first day of riding was the Alpine Loop, ending at Sundance. The second day of riding was to Bear Lake...back to Provo...and everything in between.
  It was a really great time for some great friends!

Is A Mother Ever Prepared For Days Like Today???

July 25, 2012

There isn't much a Mom can do, to prepare for days like today.
But..he is ready...
Sending you my dear friend...a big hug today!
You have done a great job preparing him for this special day!
He is going to be awesome!

Bless My Son
Tell me there’s a place in Heaven, where her voice cannot be heard,
Through time and space as a beam of light it travels like a bird Into the ears of the Father
and He looks down on her....


Bless my son, Bless my precious one
Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon
Give him the power of Paul in his tongue,
Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone And bring him home,
And until he’s done…Bless my son


To everyone else she knows he’s just another boy gone two years
But to her he’s flesh and blood who seems so far away from here,
So every night that goes by, just before she turns out the lights Heaven hears…


Bless my son, Bless my precious one
Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon
Give him the power of Paul in his tongue,
Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone
And bring him home, And until he’s done…Bless my son


Two years away can seem like such a sacrifice,
Funny how two years adds up to ten percent of his life…
Bless my son, Bless my precious one
Give him the strength to find the faith of Ammon
Give him the power of Paul in his tongue,
Give him the spirit to soften hearts of stone And bring him home,
Bless my son!


July 24, 2012


Leaving isn't nearly as good as coming home...


We found him.... just as we left him...eating...

She, on the other hand...has grown quite a bit. She is now in the pasture with the "herd," has a chubby tummy...and the beginnings of some sweet horns;)


As he does each year...The Farmer plants me a few Sunflowers...just for fun! We enjoyed them so much when we grew them on a large scale, several years ago... that he makes sure to plant a few for me each year. This year...we returned home just before they began to bloom! What a treat! It is great to be to catch up!
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