What's The Deal With Us And Fire...??????

April 22, 2013

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So...we had ANOTHER fire. I guess it is just that time of year! Just that very morning,The Farmer and I were on our morning walk, and he commented that it looked like the men who work at the Solecito were planning to burn some old straw.
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He then was sure to tell the foreman, that it wouldn't be a good day to do that since the wind was really really bad that day. And then we left the Solecito
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A little later in the day...our local missionaries joined us for lunch. We always love having the missionaries around! Anyway, during lunch, The Farmer noticed that there seemed to be an unusual amount of smoke in the air and asked a couple of our employees what they were burning. The quickly answered that they were not burning anything...BUT...that the Solecito was on fire.
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The Farmer grabbed the two missionaries...jumped in his truck...and headed toward the smoke. Sure enough...one of the haystacks at the front of the farm was burning. Two fire trucks had arrived and there was alot of commotion. I am not sure what he thought the missionaries would be able to do...
but they were there to see the big event!
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The wind was terrible...the worst I have seen in some time. And that made it a whole lot more difficult to put the fire out. The fire trucks refilled their water supply a few times from one of the farm wells...The Farmer rode a tractor through the fire in an effort to break up the stack of hay and help it burn more quickly. It took alot of effort and a lot of men to finally get the fire under control.
The Farmer says that around 1000 bails burned. Sadly, they were the bails of a family
member who had asked to store them there.
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One thing I do know for sure, is when The Farmer and The Rooster arrived home after fighting the fire...they smelled really bad! Once home, The Farmer said... "I guess this is our annual fire!"
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