Be Inspired

January 11, 2009

Meet Kim....she is my sister-in-law, and an amazing photographer.
Go HERE, to be
inspired by her amazing pictures of the Arizona Temple.

I so love this blogger! I am inspired everytime I read what she has written,
Go HERE, to be inspired in a new year.


Kim Skinner said...

WOW Shelley! What a nice compliment. You are too generous!

The Farmer's Wife said...

generous...No....I am just waiting for my copy of the photo;) ha!
No really need to print and sell them

Unknown said...

Hi there! I connected to your blog from my sister Amber's blog; I had seen it on the Mormon Mommy Blogs site and kept telling myself I needed to look you up! I am interested in your 'unconventional' life, and I look forward to reading more about your family!

Kim Skinner said...

OK, which photo do you want a print of? And what size? It's the least I can do after all of the flattery! :)

The Farmer's Wife said...

Kim...I was totaly kidding...but I would buy one from you!

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