A Sureal Experience
April 29, 2008

I Love a Great Apron!
April 29, 2008

I came across this super cute site. I am all about a darling apron and this is place to find one! My sister-in-law Kim just celebrated her birthday with a group of friends and recieved some really cute aprons, her new aprons inspired my search. I usually cook with a towel on my shoulder so I am really loving the towel connected to the apron, like above. If you have any cute apron suggestions please let me know!
A Great Find!
April 27, 2008

A Little More Healing
April 24, 2008

Thanks Dr. Phil!
April 22, 2008
A Must Read
April 22, 2008

Check out THIS SITE for the Big Daddy & Soul Mama series, it is great! Pedaling is a friend from "back in the day" and she is an awesome writer. This love story is the best, you won't be disappointed! (scroll down watch for the picture above)
We Scream for Ice Cream!!
April 22, 2008

I'm back! I'm happy to be back! Time Out was wonderful. I had some great ah! moments (of which I will share later) and I am ready to take life on again! Horray!
On a totally different note....the Scouts had a fundraiser last night, selling ice cream for Family Night treats. We have a $12,000 commercial ice cream machine (not really but the story is a good one) and we set it up, filled it up and began the sale. If you want to see something great, check out a bunch of folks who are ice cream deprived at a ice cream sale! That was us last night. We don't get good ice cream here on the "farm." We are not blessed with Dairy Queen or any of the other wonderful locations to get ice cream. We don't even have any sort of national chain that you would find in the US. So I am sure you are starting to get the picture. It was an evening of yummy ice cream, great friends and some good fun! The Scouts actually raised a little money too.
A Beautiful Memorial
April 17, 2008

A Much Needed Break!
April 17, 2008

Crazy Hair Day
April 14, 2008
Jordan's Birthday Tribute
April 14, 2008

Jordan's Car Accident
April 14, 2008

Happy Birthday to My Boy Jord!
April 12, 2008

I Got Tagged!
April 10, 2008
What am I proud of today?my Kell
What am I thinking about?why do we plan church b-ball??
Who is home?Kell, and kids
Plans tonight?chruch b-ball
My weekend was;wonderful and uplifting
What's for dinner?taco salad
Thoughts about love;I am lucky in love
Feelings about my life;blessed
What I want?to get our house built
What I need?nothing
What I have?everything
My pet peeve?intolerance
My guilty pleasure?PW apple dumplings
What you don't know about me?hummmm if I tell then you'll know
What I can smell?taco salad
What I can hear?nothing, (they all left)
My style?simple classic
My hairdo?curly (not by choice)
My outfit?jeans and polo
My mood?happy
Weather today?windy
Thoughts on parenting;it's passing too fast
Thoughts on marriage;he's my soul mate
Thoughts on politics;nothing good to say
Thoughts celebrity gossip;not interested
Thoughts on Beauty;I love all things beautiful
Thoughts on sleep;I love it
Thoughts on writing;not too good at it
My favorite appliance;Bosch
My favorite car;mine
My favorite splurge;beautiful religious art
My favorite beauty-secret;water, water, water
My favorite treat?chewy sweethearts
My favorite pleasure;cooking, and gardening
Ten years ago?Rooster was one and Kelly was in the hospital in Mexico City
Five years ago?we started roasting chile
One year ago?our peaches froze
One year from now?our house will be done!(hopefully)
Five years from now?Kids in college and Rooste dating
Ten years from now?hopefully some grandbabies
I'm famous for?my zennias, or meatballs (a toss up)
I' ll never be famous for?my basketball skills (sorry Dad)
Who I am?a farmer;s wife
Who I hope to be?a better farmers wife
What I am thankful for?my life
I now tag Kim, my sister-in-law
Garden Anticipation
April 8, 2008

99 Balloons
April 5, 2008

I Love General Conference
April 5, 2008

Little Rooster and the "Pack"
April 1, 2008
Rooster...King of the Rocks! I am sure all the mom's are thrilled with the new collections that entered their homes this eveing! (hehe) Give little Rooster some dirt and some rocks and he is complete.
The Pioneer Woman Really Cooks!
April 1, 2008

Rather than be tempted by that wonderful cake, I quickly sent most of it to the neighbors for a Family Night Treat. Thank goodness for the neighbors. The kids quite enjoyed a remnant of the cake in their lunches today. If you are needing a new recipe or just a little inspiration, check out www.thepioneerwomancooks.com. Be careful....you may become a PW addict like me!