I Love a Great Apron!

April 29, 2008

If you love a great apron...this is the site for you!

I came across this super cute site. I am all about a darling apron and this is place to find one! My sister-in-law Kim just celebrated her birthday with a group of friends and recieved some really cute aprons, her new aprons inspired my search. I usually cook with a towel on my shoulder so I am really loving the towel connected to the apron, like above. If you have any cute apron suggestions please let me know!


Jarmeg Family said...

Very cute Shelley, thanks for the website, these will make great gifts!!

Rachelle Vernon Jones said...

i sewed a really cute apron last week! i will make cj take my pic and i will bloggit. hellooo woman! get over here and cookbook with me!

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